Monday, August 31, 2009

The amount of homework I had tonight was so aklsjdkad NOT COOL. That and band just killed me ded. x_x

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Okay. So maybe this singer has an annoying voice. And maybe the music video kind irritates me. But the song is addicting, I won't lie. ;~; That, and I've been inspired for a story. I'll have to talk to a male friend and like, interview him immesily because it's from a guy's point of view. :/ I'll have to hope Angeal will help, and I hope he will. alkjsld I dunno. SOME GUY. xD

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I've spent all day studying and working on college stuffs. And freaking out. Is freaking out okay?

Friday, August 28, 2009

...Why hell there Plankton. What the fuck are you doing there? xD

Thursday, August 27, 2009

First day of school! Nothing...really interesting, though my Environmental science teacher is like fuck yeah awesome. <333

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I was supposed to hang out with friends today, right? But that time of month came. And knocked me off my feet. Dude, I was in my pajamas until... four hours ago. DUDE. I could barely move around, and I was so sick, I listened to an hour fanfic. DUDE. lkajd

But today is the last day before school starts. My last first day in high school, as my friends are calling it. xD I'm...excited? And nervous, because this means less time to study for the ACT and SAT but I've been working on it for a while. klajd Just normal college fears, I guess.
No one reads this, do they? xD I just ramble for myself...

Anyway! xD The picture is my backpack and dude. Either I've lost a lot of weight or this is pathetic -- the backpack is already heavy, and when I wear it, I look like I weigh ten pounds or so less. lkajdl I miss my messenger bag type backpack, but it's been screwing up my shoulder recently (read, since freshman year), and...well, it's broken. :/ So new one.

Anyway, I'll stop rambling so I can post an LJ post of "MY SUMMER ISH OVAAAAH" and...yeah. And P4. And maybe a video game before bed. Night, and bye summer '09! I ...I thought you would suck royally, but you were a lot of fun. Promise. *winks*

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh Teddie, you butthead. Never change. xD

Today, we had a marchoff with the parents for meet the band. Oh my god, it was hysterical how BAD the adults were. SRSLY.

And I found a new band, "Tackey and Tsubasa" and have fallen in love with the song, "SAMURAI". lkasjdlad <333

Monday, August 24, 2009

So this is our band shirt. Okaaay. I'm still going "wtf, it looks like the rover is on drugs" but it's better than the one year they threw the head on a random body and it looked like shit. :/ And on the front is a tribute to Taylor, which was really cool.

After band, I was honestly planning on heading home at like, 7:30, right? And then we had to wait to get the shirts. ...And, long story short, I hung out with Matt and Levi until about 8:55. WE STAYED AFTER BAND SO LONG. xD Actually, when Mrs. Lutte left, we rolled around in the grass so they couldn't see us, and I tripped off a hill. And laughed my ass off. It was pretty fun.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

Dude, does everyone love me on Sundays or something? I felt like I was in P4/P3 with the social links! Except how, in there, you can only hang out with one group of friends? I spent an hour or so with Vicky, Amanda, Paige and Dave, and then my mom took me to Jennie's house and we (Caitlin, Jennie, and I) watched HellBoy (alright), Labriynth (David Bowie's crotch was the baddy), and Pirates of the Carribean. <3 It was...impromptu, but a lot of fun. :D

Saturday, August 22, 2009

...Tiny chair! :D

Friday, August 21, 2009

Me finishing up my Environmental Science summer homework. It was kind of awesome because it started POURING and I kept trapising around. In the rain. Getting soaked. <333

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So, I was playing Persona 4, right? And I wanted to get past Rise's part. So OMG, TEDDIE'S PERSONA. I actually sceamed when I saw it. Like... dude. It still gives me the fucking chills. :OO And it's voice was daaaaamn evil. *shuddders*

Anyway, yes. Teddie = adorable, his persona = Satan.

And did you know you can create a persona named Samael? DUUUDE. xDDD

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I actually got addicted to another song, "My Ear's Candy", but I thought two music video pictures in a row was a bit much. So I read this comic, "No Rest For the Wicked" which is really good. And funny. Poor Emo!Beast. xD

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

New song. Um... "Heartbreaker" by G-Dragon. I kind of love it. Will it replace Survivor as my most played? Whhoooo knoooows?

[Off to band! Gotta run!]

Monday, August 17, 2009

Mee talking with cookie_heist on Skype about colleges. WHEEEE...not. I mean, talking was fun. But I'm already sick of college talkings... >>

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Yes, I'm cheating. I didn't take the picture, nor do I own it. :D It's from the website, and HO SHIT, IS THAT MY SENIOR PICTURE?

No, I'm still in shock. Srsly. alksjdl


Saturday, August 15, 2009

So, we're going to New York today, right? I wake up at 6 in the morning, yawn, go to the bathroom, and look outside my window. LOOK AT WHAT I SEE:


(I seriously stuck my hand into a tv to see if I could jump in. I couldn't. ;~;)


This is outside of... um, MTV? We visted my Grandmom, and had to go through Manhattan back. Yaaaay. >>

Friday, August 14, 2009

...I randomly found this quote, and yeah. Yeah it's true. Glad I've been learning that recently, though. <33333

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Happy Axel/Roxas day! I had trouble posting a fic (the formatting was all wonky), but in the end, it turned out really well. It's basically the Tales of Stripper!Roxas and how he pays for used textbooks. No. Really. Oh, and Axel falls in love with him as he, erm, performs. :D I had a very loose style (if you can call it that), and people liked it! *flails*


This picture was taken after Matt S. and I sat around and talked about life, colleges...stuff. And then I let him go free (HE DRIVES A HUGE ASS TRUCK, DUUUUDE!), and...yeah. ;D

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Junior buddy Amber and I. :D Me giving her a ride home. ;~; I'm going to miss her. First person who talked to me when I moved.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I...I didn't realize this picture was so bad. wow. Anyway, first day of band camp, complete! :D It wasn't as bad as I thought (in any aspect), but she's going to work us into the ground. ...Dare I say I'm excited? :D

Monday, August 10, 2009

Two months until I'm legal! :D But Caitlin invited me to CamelBeach with her family, and lol, my hair got ruiiiined. But it was a lot of fun and I'll miss her. EVEN IF I STILL HAVE WATER IN MAH EARS. xD

Sunday, August 9, 2009

No, I'm not still distraught about my relationship. I just freaking LOVE this author. his books are hysterical. xD And the paper is my science project that I'm almost finised, FINALLY.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Graduation Party! ;~; I'm going to miss the guys... DON'T LEAVE ME FOR COLLEGE!!! DDDD:

Friday, August 7, 2009

O-Oh my god, HSM2. So so bad. BUT SO WORTH IT. I love this movie so much because it's so bad.

And look -- my Ot3. A Ryan/Chad/Troy sandwich. Yum. <3

Thursday, August 6, 2009

AHHHHHH~! Granted, it's just a reserve box, but it's probably the closest I'll get to owning Dissidia until Christmas. ;~; HOWEVER. AHHHH.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Spent all day reading fics/working on essays/watching TV/working on fics. WHOOOT. :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

See Brie try to have a SPN Season 2 Marathon. See Brie fail. :DDD?

Monday, August 3, 2009

I accidentally deleted my Dean SPN Wallpaper (;~; And I can't find it...), so I'm using a Riku/Sora wallpaper. It's...really cute, to be honest, and when I finally get to the main page (because I'm usually flipping between teh internets, it makes me smile. :D

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My friend, who is not pictured, graduation part. :D It was a lot of fun seeing my old friends from college/those losers leaving me for college before they all go back and I'M STILL STUCK HEEERRRRE. D:

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Me shopping with my parents. Is this bad that I find this artwork of Twilight really good? Even Edward, even looking rapetastic, kind of looks attractive. CURSE THE ARTIST. xDD